June 15, 2012

Tour of the 'New Faculty of Social Sciences' at the University of Ottawa

On June 14, 2012 we attended the tour for the 'New Faculty of Social Sciences' organized by the Ottawa Chapter of the CaGBC and the Design and Construction team of this brand new 15 storey building.

The design and construction consultant team was composed of our many times partner and Ottawa architects KWC, Toronto architects Diamon Schmitt, MHPH project managers, and Canada-wide construction company Aecon.

This was the 1st open tour of the tower and we got to enjoy the great views while asking questions before the building is even open to the public.

Since the tower is still under construction, safety was at the forefront, those of us who forgot to bring our own were supplied with Hard Hats, Safety Boots, Glasses & Vests by Aecon. Many of the project's Architects, Engineers, LEED consultants and Construction workers were on hand guiding us through University of Ottawa's newest building.

The aim for the building was LEED Gold for New Construction, the tour was very interesting, we got to "explore many of the towers special features from exterior greenroofs, shading devices, site design challenges, through to interior highlights - the atrium greenwall, breathtaking views, 225 seat cantilevered auditorium, mechanical and related systems." CaGBC  

We were not allowed to take pictures just yet but the images and ideas are still imprinted in our minds, especially that very large green wall, open atrium and escher looking main stairs.

Thank you for the Tour, we can't wait to see the finished product!

Read on:
http://www.socialsciences.uottawa.ca/eng/new_bldg.asp (pictures were obtained from their website with their permission)